


Mykhailo Forhel, Ternopil Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Taras Shevchenko, artistic director, director, repertoire, performance


The article examines the activities of the Ternopil Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Taras Shevchenko under the leadership of the artistic director, Honored Art Worker of Ukraine Forhel Mykhailo, through the prism of socio-cultural transformations in Ukraine that influenced the cultural and creative process of Ternopil (1992–2006). According to the memories of contemporaries and press materials, the author examines Forgel’s M. activities at the Ternopil Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Taras Shevchenko. The material, which was thoroughly researched, made it possible to recreate the chronological sequence of theatrical performances and cooperation with directors. The author pays special attention to the peculiarity of Forhel's Mykhailo administrative policy of the theater, characterizing it as a “phenomenon” of the artistic director Forhel. The article highlights the creative collaboration with directors invited from other theaters, particularly the director of the National Theater named after Maria Zankovetska Fedir Stryhun, and critically analyzes the performances he staged. More specifically, the author analyzes the plays “The Landlord” by Karpenko-Kary I. (directed by F. Stryhun), “Hutsulka Ksenia” by Y. Barnych (directed by F. Stryhun), “Maclena Grasa” by M. Kulish, “At the cost of blood” by Lesya Ukrainka (directed by O. Mosiychuk), I. Karpenko-Kary's “Martyn Borulya” (directed by Bobrovsky A.), “The Last Man in Love” (directed by V. Stenko), “The Gospel of John” by A. Krym (directed by O. Mosiychuk), and others. The conclusions to the article state that the period of Forhel's leadership was one of the most productive periods in the history of the Ternopil Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Taras Shevchenko. He was not afraid to experiment, so the theater diversified its repertoire, attracted the public, and was replenished with talented youth.


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