


artistic practices, cultural practices, event management, art transformation, cultural heritage


The article is devoted to the analysis of artistic practices in the context of broader cultural practices, emphasising their dialectical interconnection, translational function and influence on the formation of values and meanings in society. The main focus is on conceptual approaches to understanding cultural and artistic practices proposed by both Western and Ukrainian researchers, including Michael Fraze, Olga Kopiyevska, Anna Ursan and Graham Sullivan. Their definitions, the role of the semantics of socio-cultural habitus, the impact of technology and social processes on the evolution of art are considered. The article also analyses the forms of events and events that include artistic elements (concerts, exhibitions, quests, flash mobs, podcasts, festivals), as well as their specificity in terms of socio-cultural design, organisation and impact on the audience. The key functions of art festivals are highlighted and innovative approaches to their management are presented. The author emphasises the role of artistic practices as a tool for preserving cultural heritage, interacting between cultures and shaping new aesthetic narratives in a globalised society. The study focuses on a deep analysis and understanding of artistic practices in the context of cultural phenomena, focusing on their essence and interrelationships. Particular attention is paid to the study of the impact of art on the formation of the cultural environment, as well as to the study of how these practices contribute to the enrichment of the cultural experience of participants and audiences. Against the backdrop of contemporary transformations in the arts and the growing relevance of cultural initiatives, it is important to unlock the potential of artistic expressions as a means of integration, dialogue and creative interaction. The study highlights not only the transformative impact of artistic practices on culture, but also their significant contribution to the formation of platforms for interpretation, exchange and co-creation in the contemporary cultural context. The article contributes to a broader understanding of artistic practices as a complex mechanism for the production of meanings and values that affects the cultural matrix of society and can be useful for researchers, cultural managers and artists.


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