


net art, artist, cyberspace art, identity, self-expression, postmodernism


The article examines the concept of net art in relation to the artistic environment. The following main forms of its manifestation were identified: direct creation and broadcasting of art products in the VNB network – net art; using the Internet as a way of broadcasting works; using the Internet as an inspiring idea for creating projects. The creation of a conceptually new artistic environment of an art product, the mode of existence of which is completely mediated by the intention to the virtuality of the artist and the viewer, is established. Net art as the latest artistic phenomenon of media art is connected with transformations in modern society. Reasons, examples of the development of net art are given, and its role in creativity is revealed. Net Art is interpreted as a new expansion of artistic creativity, primarily of young people. Modern postmodernism has made the existence of young people even more difficult. It is becoming increasingly difficult to answer the question of how to live wisely, happily and in harmony with yourself and others. Young people are looking for answers to these questions in artistic creativity, which helps to integrate brain activity, emotions and imagination. The language of art becomes the language of communication with oneself and others. The changes in culture, as well as the change in its character from verbal to audio-visual, which were created by new media, led to the fact that artistic works went beyond materiality – in fact, we are dealing with new ways of creativity. The product appears in cyberspace, and the process of using virtual space to present one’s art becomes a conceptualization of reflexive identity. “Electronic narcotization”, according to pessimists, nullifies the “real” creativity of young people, because more and more technological creations appear on Internet portals. However, it turns out that you should not be afraid of the monotony of artistic works created by multimedia means. Cyberspace only provides new ways of presenting them.


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