semiosis, national culture, music, musical communication, creativity, interpretationAbstract
The article examines the semiotic universe as a symbolic world in the realities of the space of national existence. Since being speaks about itself in different ways, in the context of our research we appeal to the socio-cultural sphere, in particular to art as an artistic model of being. The article substantiates that musical art is one of the forms of culture, its symbolic and semiotic branch, which is connected with the subject’s ability to aesthetically master the world of life, to reproduce it figuratively and symbolically using the resources of creative imagination. In the process of artistic communication (communication), the text is a message, a means of expression in which there is a symbolic-semiotic composition of the text, an artistic image that gives any concreteness a universal character. Music interprets the objects of the surrounding world (culture) in its symbolic system, its language is artificial compared to the natural, verbal one, and generates a new text and meaning. The relationship between the semiotic space and the intellectual potential of the human act of creation is substantiated. It is noted that the process of creativity is an existential need of a person, creativity forms a human personality and contributes to the realization of its basic needs of creating goodness, beauty, love, inner needs of the soul and heart. Scientific research has proven that the process of assimilation of intellectual products (individual or collective, «own» or «others») by national culture presupposes, first of all, its ability to know, understand, and comprehend as an effective basis for creating and preserving one’s own identity.From the standpoint that humanitarian science in the modern 21st century is characterized by dialogic tendencies, accordingly, the communicative possibilities of musical art, being woven into the canvas of socio-cultural existence, form the social environment, the level of culture, the attitude towards oneself and the world around. Today, through the means of musical art, we have a unique opportunity to assert our identity and national belonging, using the entire system of social and cultural communication.
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