


the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, alcohol monopoly, production control, customs service, «Directorate of Customs in Lviv»


The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation of an alcohol monopoly in the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which contributed to ensuring economic stability and increasing state revenues through control over the production and sale of alcohol products. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity and a critical approach, on general scientific and special methods of historical science. The scientific novelty is based on the fact that the article analyzes the influence of the alcohol monopoly on the stabilization of the economy, the growth of state profits, highlights the taxation mechanisms and financial models implemented by the state to manage the alcohol monopoly, evaluates the measures to improve the quality of alcohol, characterizes the role of the alcohol monopoly as a tool of centralization of power and strengthening state control over key economic sectors. Conclusions. It was established that the alcohol monopoly became an important element of the government’s strategy to strengthen public administration, was effective in controlling smuggling and illegal production of alcohol, which contributed to increasing law and order. The study of the declared problem is of practical importance for the analysis of the influence of the alcohol monopoly on economic processes and public administration in the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. 


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