


Bohdan Khavarivskyi, social and political activity, People’s Movement of Ukraine, deputy, election campaigns


The purpose of the article is to research the social and political activities of B. Khavarivskyi in the late 1980s and 1990s. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity and a critical approach, on general scientific and special methods of historical science. Scientific novelty is based on the fact that the investigated problem has not yet been studied by researchers. The proposed article is about Bohdan Khavarivskyi, a well-known social and political figure of the Ternopil region. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he struggled to get the status of a people’s deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the VRU), was a trustee, took part in the election races for the city council of Ternopil. In 1992, the first serious political confrontation took place between B. Khavarivskyi and Bohdan Boyko, members of the Ternopil District Council (hereinafter – TDC) of the People’s Movement of Ukraine (hereinafter – PMU) with the representative of the President of Ukraine in the Ternopil Region – Roman Hromyak. Members of the TDC of the PMU tried to influence personnel decisions regarding job appointments in the Ternopil Regional State Administration (hereinafter referred to as the TRSA). In fact, they intended to retain the leadership of the education, culture, and health departments. Conclusions. In 1994 and 1998, B. Khavarivskyi became a deputy of the Ternopil Regional Council (hereinafter referred to as TRC) from the PMU. The basis of his political preferences was «My Program», aimed at farmers and machine operators, teachers and milkmaids, pensioners and children, and «My Five Defining Positions». In our opinion, the analysis of the political program shows its low level, excessive emotionality, lack of voters’ wishes and obligations of the regional level deputy. Nevertheless, its text was used practically unchanged in two election campaigns. The use of the achievements of employees of the State Archives of the Ternopil region, headed by B. Khavarivskyi, in campaign materials indicated abuse of official position. 


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