Greek Catholic clergy, Greek Catholic Church, Eastern Galicia, priest, brotherhoods, education, «zahoronka», school, Prosvita, Ridna Shkola, Narodnyi DimAbstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze the activities of the Greek Catholic Church in the context of the cultural and educational development of Ukrainians in Eastern Galicia in the interwar period in the context of the inclusion of this region into the Polish Republic. The methodology of the study is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity, objectivity, and systematicity. General scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical (historical-genetic, historical-systemic) methods were used. The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive study and analysis of the stated topic and the introduction of archival materials into scientific circulation, which makes it possible to clarify the main directions of cultural and educational activities of the Greek Catholic clergy of Eastern Galicia in the interwar period. Conclusions. The clergy of the GCC was an active participant in cultural and educational processes in Eastern Galicia. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky believed that the social activities of priests would contribute to the education of the younger generation on the basis of Christian values and with an awareness of their national identity. The congregations of the Order of St. Basil the Great (BSGV) and the Sisters of the Servants of the Immaculate Virgin Mary (SSIM) carried out powerful educational work, organizing «zahoronki» and schools and generally helping parishioners. The priests fought for the existence of schools with Ukrainian as the language of instruc tion, establishing private schools and providing financial support from their own income to talented children. The educational work of the clergy included the creation of religious brotherhoods in parishes, participation in the work of the branches of the Ridna Shkola, Prosvita, Sich, Sokil, and other societies.
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