Second Commonwealth of Nations, “Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Skarbu”, «Directorate of Customs in Lviv», customs affairs, customsAbstract
The purpose of the article is the analysis of “Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Skarbu” as an important source for studying the history of customs affairs in the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity and a critical approach, general scientific and special methods of historical science. Scientific novelty is based on the fact that the subject under study has practically not been studied by scientists. “Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Skarbu” is an important source for studying the history of customs affairs in the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This edition contained official data, information and orders related to the functioning of customs, organization, rules and procedures of their activities. The analysis of the publications of “Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Skarbu” testified to the evolution of customs policy, its changes over time, interaction between customs services and other state structures. This source provides an opportunity to understand the importance of customs issues in the economy and politics of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as their impact on the country’s external and internal situation. “Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Skarbu” contributes to the study of the relationship between foreign trade and customs duties, which influenced the economic activity of the country, formed legal norms related to customs activities and their impact on internal and external economic processes. The publication is an important source for the study of customs practices that took place in the field of customs activity in the 1920s. Conclusions. It allows us to consider customs affairs as an important element of the socio-economic history of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, to determine its role and place in the formation of economic relations.
Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Skarbu. Nr. 19. Rok 1. Warszawa, 30 lipca 1919 r. 16 s.
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