«Directorate of customs in Lviv», customs guard, customs guard inspectorates, violation of disciplinary requirements, professional ethics.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze official violations of disciplinary requirements by employees of the customs guard of the «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» in the 1920s in order to identify their nature, causes and consequences, as well as the peculiarities of the functioning of the customs service in the conditions of the specified period. This will help to understand the role of the human factor in the discipline of employees and the effectiveness of the functioning of the «Directorate of Customs in Lviv». Research methodology. The historical-comparative method is used to analyze archival documents, legislative acts, reports, official memos and other materials related to the activities of the customs guard «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» in the specified period. It was used to compare the nature of violations by employees of the customs guard «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» with other inspectorates of the customs guard. Socio-economic analysis was used to study the impact of economic instability, social conditions and corruption on the behavior of customs officers. An interdisciplinary approach was used to combine historical, legal and sociological methods for a comprehensive study of the problem. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a systematic analysis of official violations by employees of the customs guard of the «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» regarding compliance with disciplinary requirements in the 1920s was carried out. Knowledge about the organization and functioning of the customs guard of the «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» was expanded from the point of view of the influence of socio-economic and political circumstances on professional ethics and employee discipline. The features of disciplinary violations, including typical actions, as well as their motivation, are revealed. Conclusions. In the 1920s, violations of disciplinary requirements by employees of the customs guard «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» were a typical phenomenon. They were both individual and systemic in nature, which indicated shortcomings in the organization of the work of the customs guard, in particular in ensuring discipline and professional ethics. The most common types of violations were failure to comply with professional duties; violation of disciplinary requirements due to the low level of training of customs officers; insufficient level of control and internal supervision; abuse of alcoholic beverages, etc. The consequences of violations of disciplinary requirements by customs officers led to a decrease in the efficiency of customs structures and a loss of trust in state institutions among the local population.
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