«Directorate of Customs in Lviv», counterfeiting, national currency, economic stability, smuggling.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze the organizational measures and legal mechanisms that were used by the «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» to counter the spread of counterfeit money in the 1920s. The study analyzes the role of state institutions, such as: customs authorities, in ensuring economic stability and protection of the national currency against counterfeiting. The research methodology involved the use of the following basic methods: historical – for the study of events and phenomena in their chronological development, restoration of the historical context of the activities of the «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» in the fight against counterfeiting; comparative – in order to compare the fight against counterfeiting in Lviv with similar processes in other regions of Poland, which made it possible to understand the peculiarities and effectiveness of the measures taken by the «Directorate of Customs in Lviv»; legal analysis of legislation and regulatory acts that regulated the fight against counterfeiters, as well as legal means used by customs authorities and courts during this period; socio-economic analysis to study the impact of counterfeiting on the economy of Poland and the general socio-economic condition in the 1920s; statistical analysis for the collection and processing of statistical data on the number of detained counterfeiters, the amount of seized counterfeit money and the effectiveness of countermeasures. The scientific novelty of the declared problem lies in the fact that the struggle of the «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» with counterfeiters has practically not been studied in Ukrainian historiography. Nevertheless, the coverage of such local topics makes it possible to fill the gaps in the study of socio-economic history in the 1920s. The study of the struggle of the customs structures of Poland with counterfeiters allows a deeper understanding of the economic problems that arose against the background of inflation and the unstable political situation at that time. The study of archival documents, orders, instructions, as well as specific cases of exposure of counterfeiters allows us to discover new aspects of the work of customs authorities in the period under study. In general, scientific novelty is based on a comprehensive analysis of the outlined topic using a wide range of archival sources, as well as the interpretation of this problem in the context of the socio-economic and political conditions of that time. Conclusions. In the post-war period, Central and Eastern Europe experienced economic and political instability, so the spread of counterfeit money became a serious problem for government institutions. «Directorate of Customs in Lviv» played an important role in detecting and neutralizing counterfeiting schemes. Thanks to cooperation with other state bodies (police, courts, banks), customs structures resisted the spread of counterfeit money across the borders of Poland. Various methods have been used to combat counterfeiters, including the inspection of goods and documents at customs, the use of special experts to identify counterfeit bills, and the introduction of tougher penalties for criminals. These measures made it possible to reduce the scale of counterfeiting in the region. Counterfeit money had a devastating effect on the local economy, contributed to the devaluation of the currency, and undermined citizens' confidence in the financial system. The government and customs authorities introduced strict measures to control the illegal circulation of counterfeit money. Although the fight against counterfeiting has been somewhat successful, thanks to the strengthening of customs control, there are still many challenges that have not been overcome.
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