russian occupation authorities, Ternopil province, counties, bureaucracy, financial costs.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze the structure, dynamics and nature of financial expenses of the occupation authorities of the Ternopil province in the specified period. As part of this study, an analysis of sources of funding, directions of use of funds is envisaged. Special attention is paid to issues of administrative, military and economic costs, as well as the use of financial resources in the conditions of the First World War. The research methodology is based on the definition of the main points of financial expenses of the occupation administration in the context of the military operations of the First World War, the analysis of volumes, directions and their impact on the socio-economic situation. Special attention is paid to budgetary expenses for the maintenance of the occupation civil administration of the Ternopil province. The historical-comparative method was used to analyze financial costs and overspending of state resources. The assessment of the impact of financial expenses on the socio-economic condition of the population of the province included an assessment of the standard of living, an analysis of how the occupation authorities financed their activities and which types of expenses were prioritized. Statistical analysis of data on the amount of financial receipts and expenses was used to assess the economic condition of the region under the conditions of occupation. The work combines the methods of social and economic history, which made it possible to better understand the interaction of various factors - military and socio-economic in the conditions of occupation. The scientific novelty of the declared topic is based on its insufficient coverage in Ukrainian historiography. The problems of financial expenses of the occupation administrations in the Ternopil province have not received enough attention from scientists until now. The study of the financial aspects of occupation during World War I is understudied compared to other aspects of the war, such as military action or political change. For the first time, archival materials that had not been used before were brought to scientific use in the research. A detailed analysis of the financial policy of the occupying power, including sources of financing, is innovative, allowing for a deeper understanding of the economic structure and financial situation in the occupied territories. Conclusions. The Russian occupation authorities in the Ternopil province during the First World War focused financial resources on supporting the civil administration. Financial costs for its maintenance absorbed a significant part of the budget, leaving insufficient resources for the development of infrastructure and social programs. A significant part of the financial expenses of the occupying power was directed to ensuring the maintenance of the bureaucratic apparatus in the Ternopil province, which contributed to inflation and destabilization of the economic system. The lack of a clear strategy for the management of financial resources led to the low efficiency of the use of budget funds and the inability to ensure the stable operation of local authorities. The analysis of the financial expenses of the occupation administration in the Ternopil province showed that the situation in the region had a certain specificity compared to other occupied territories. In particular, proximity to the front and large-scale hostilities led to a high level of expenses for the maintenance of the civil administration. The occupation regime contributed to the deepening of the socio-economic crisis in the Ternopil province, which had long-term consequences. After the end of the war, the region needed significant resources to rebuild because the occupation policy left behind a devastated economy and high levels of poverty.
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