



Ternopil Institute of Teacher Qualification Improvement, methodologists, teacher training courses, personnel, ideology, Ternopil region.


Abstract. The purpose of the research is to analyze the areas of work of the Ternopil Institute for the Improvement of Teacher Qualifications in the education functioning system of the region in the specified period. To determine the main forms of work with educators regarding their professional training. To single out the main trends in the development of teacher training courses, to emphasize their subordination and control to the Soviet authorities. The work of methodologists is singled out and their activity is evaluated. The importance and significance of the August and January meetings and their detailed analysis are emphasized. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of the growth of teaching staff are presented. The real state of education in the field of research methodology is outlined. A set of methods of scientific analysis was used, which allow to carry out a comprehensive and systematic review of the process of functioning of the Ternopil Institute for the Improvement of Teacher Qualifications. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the work of teachers’ meetings at the regional level. The issue of non-attendance at educational institutions was comprehensively considered. Documents related to the work of methodologists were used. Examples and facts from the daily work of TIUKV are given. Conclusions. The information on the formation of TIUKV, the complexity of the process of improving the qualifications of teachers of the region in the form of a part-time system, which testified to its chaotic nature, was analyzed. In particular, lists of trainees were not submitted on time, on-the-ground training in district pedagogical offices, bush methodical associations in some places were of a formal nature. The main function of the Institute was to carry out professional training of teachers in the region and eliminate the need for educational personnel.


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Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр.70. Арк. 68.

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Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 71. Арк. 115.

Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 73. Арк. 18.

Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 74. Арк. 169.

Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 80. Арк. 190.

Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 81. Арк. 200.

Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 79. Арк. 189.

Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 75. Арк. 45.

Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 77. Арк. 169.

Держархів Тернопільської обл. Ф. 2062. Оп.1. Спр. 78. Арк. 50.

