Agatangel Krymskyi, historian, orientalist, Ukraine, scientist.Abstract
Abctract. The purpose of the article is to show the childhood and school years of Agathangel Krymskyi, his studies at the protogymnasium in Ostroh, at the Second Kyiv Gymnasium, at the Pavlo Galahan College in Kyiv; to trace the influence of the family environment, educational institutions and specialists who worked there and left a mark on A. Krymsky’s worldview, trips to Syria and Lebanon. The methodological basis of the work consists of the principles of objectivity and historicism and general scientific, special historical research methods. The scientific novelty consists in the inclusion of new sources and special literature in the scientific circulation, which allows for a comprehensive study of the process of formation and development of A. Krymskyi as an individual, scientist and public figure. The study of the problem made it possible to popularize the scientist’s name among scientists and the public. The result formed a new view of A. Krymsky’s scientific and social activities. Conclusions. Agathangel Krymskyi was born and raised among Ukrainian influences. Already in this period, the love for Ukraine and the desire to create for the enrichment of its culture are formed in the young man. The beautiful area, Ukrainian educational institutions and specialists in their field who worked there left a mark on the worldview of the young man. It was they who would later not allow A. Krymsky to russify during the long period of his life abroad. The connections established by the young historian at this time will continue in his old age and will allow him to be a part of the Ukrainian cause, to work for its good. They will force him to return to Ukraine and work in the field of its science. A trip to Syria and Lebanon had a special impact on the formation of an orientalist.
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