



Hordynia, history of the village, Sambir region, Peremyshl land, Prykarpattia.


The purpose of the Study: to analyze the main periods in the history of the village of Hordynia in the Sambir region. Studies of the history of individual settlements are relevant, because the history of their country should be studied from the smallest villages, because many famous Ukrainian figures, scientists, writers are natives of such villages. The Research Methodology is based on the complex application of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special-historical, in particular historical-system method. The Scientific Novelty of the study is that it analyzes in detail the layers of the historical past of our country in the context of the history of the village Hordynia, details the life of the villagers in various aspects: social, economic, cultural and spiritual. Conclusions. The Ukrainian vision of local problems through the prism of global ones attaches special value to this type of research. The history of individual settlements is a valuable addition to the study of the history of Ukraine and a source of better understanding of local Ukrainian culture.


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ЦДІАЛ. Ф. 186. (Крайова земельно – податкова комісія) Оп. 1. Спр. 4614.

ЦДІАЛ. Ф. 361. Оп. 1. Спр. 164. Арк. 124.

