aviation, squadron, Polish Army, Eastern Galicia, Polish-Ukrainian war.Abstract
Despite numerous scientific studies, the history of aviation during the Polish-Ukrainian war remains one of the least researched topics in modern historiography. The authors mostly describe the combat path of squadrons without going into the process of their creation and operation. The dates of the transfer of individual airfields and persons involved in their capture, whether and how the mobilization to aviation units took place, the amount of monetary reward of aviators and their total number have not yet been defined. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyse the process of formation of aviation units of the Polish Army in Eastern Galicia in November-December 1918 and to identify the main problems encountered by Polish aviators during their service. Results: The capture of military airfields in Krakow, Przemyśl and Lviv allowed the Poles to begin forming the first air units of the Polish Army in Eastern Galicia. On their basis it was possible to organize several air squadrons and mobile parks, to open courses and later a vocational school for pilots. Their appearance provided an opportunity to train new personnel to expand the combat capabilities of aviation units. It was important to introduce military uniforms for aviators, which in the rest allowed them to be identified as a separate type of troops. The liberation of Lviv opened the way for the necessary reorganization and the establishment of a clear command structure. A significant number of combat sorties showed the versatility of aviation, and the appearance of a red and white chessboard on the wings of aircraft had a positive effect on the mood in the army, showing an advantage in the sky over the enemy. Among the unresolved issues at the first stage of the Polish-Ukrainian war were the mobilization, the number of troops, the number of aircraft and the amount of monetary rewards for aviators, as evidenced by the lack of relevant orders and reports of the command.
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