


Greek Catholic Church, District of Galicia, occupation, social transformations.


The purpose of the study Objective is to analyze the role of socio-economic activity of the Greek Catholic Church in the District of Galicia during 1941-1944, under the influence of social transformations. The Research Methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematization and scientificity, and is also based on the complex application of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special- historical (historical-systemic, historical-typological) methods. The scientific novelty is that among other studies of the Greek Catholic Church in the District of Galicia in the above period, the socio-economic component was not considered. Scholars paid attention to the political and nation-building principles of the GCC, and paid some attention to the social aspect. The author uses previously unknown documents and analysis of the work of scientists in recent years. Conclusions The author of the publication establishes that the situation in which the population of Eastern Galicia found itself in the transition from one totalitarian system to another was accompanied by significant social transformations. The study of the influence of the Greek Catholic Church on the national consciousness, moral principles, national and political ideology, cultural and educational activities and socio-economic affiliation, makes it possible to determine the importance of its position among the Ukrainian population and great spiritual potential. The study of the role of the GCC in the Second World War will allow for a certain transformation of the obtained results in view of modernity.


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