

conservative, historical monuments, Eastern Galicia.


The purpose of the study: to analyze the development of monument protection structures of Eastern Galicia. To trace the reasons and dynamics of the increase in the number of East Galician conservative government officials during the 50-80 years of the XIX century. Analyze the preconditions for the emergence of the «The Royal conservatives and respective circle origin in the Eastern Galicia». The research methodology is based on the principles of systemicity, historicism, author’s objectivity, scientific, as well as on the basis of general scientific (synthesis, analysis, explanation, generalization) and special-historical (historical-comparative, historical-system) methods. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time in Ukrainian historiography, based on the analysis of previously unknown archival materials, the dynamics of the development of monument protection bodies of Eastern Galicia is analyzed in detail. The issue of Galicia division into conservatory districts in 1887 and the members of conservatives specification is treated in details. The attempt has been made to explain the cause and the circumstances of «The Royal conservatives and respective circle origin in the Eastern Galicia». Conclusions. Monument protection bodies in Eastern Galicia have come a long way. At first, one conservative government official was involved in the protection of historical monuments, and he was supposed to take care of all the monuments in the region. After the reorganization of the Vienna Central Commission in 1873, the number of East Galician monument guards increased to four, and from 1887 the territory of Galicia was divided into conservation districts, and a separate conservative was appointed to each district. The process of reorganization of monument protection bodies came to a logical end in 1889, when the Eastern Galician conservatives, to coordinate cooperation with each other, created an organization «The Royal conservatives and respective circle origin in the Eastern Galicia», which soon became the main monument body of the eastern part of Galicia and was recognized by central and local authorities.


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