


Ukraine, NATO, security, interoperability, evolution.


The purpose of the study is a determination and analysis of the main areas cooperation Ukraine with NATO in the geopolitical requirements context of 1991–2019. The methodology of the research is based on the general principles of scientific knowledge: historicism, systemicity and objectivity. Specially-historical scientific methods are used. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that cooperation priorities Ukraine with NATO are analyzed basing on international documents and considering geopolitical situation in the region, provided author’s assessment of geopolitical events. Conclusions. Thus, the evolution of the most powerful collective security system in the world NATO, at first sight, is losing its political importance against the background of the «information wars» of today, but the Alliance has a flexible policy. This international organization passed the period of weakening the role of international security institutions, but at the same time approve himself in the world as a powerful military institution. The basic directions and tasks of the organization expand over time and undergo transformation, also security issues expand for our country. Today, Ukraine passes training in NATO as in a highly professional military institution. Cooperation priorities Ukraine with NATO on a large scope, but the evolution of cooperation of our country with the North Atlantic Alliance demonstrates yet local trends. In the publication regularities of military conflicts, in which Ukraine participated in NATO peacekeeping operations, importance for understanding complex geopolitical processes in the region and they encourage our country to search our national security.


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