information, information development, information society, the process of informatization, mass media, mass communication.Abstract
The purpose of the study – generalization of world experience to the formation and improvement of information policy of countries and development of conceptual prerequisites for the formation of a modern model of information policy of the country. The methodology of the research is based on the fundamental principles of scientific knowledge: historicism, systemicity and objectivity. Methods of research are related to the purpose, object, subject and research tasks of the study. The scientific novelty is that the influence of national and regional peculiarities of the countries on the specifics of construction and development of these models is determined. The global experience in formulating and improving countries’ information policy and developing conceptual prerequisites for the formation of a modern model of country information policy are generalized. It is revealed that together with the general features of the formation of a model at the world level, national and regional peculiarities of countries influence the specifics of its construction and development. Conclusions. Thus, despite the identified components of the state’s information policy model, there is as yet no unified approach to defining its content as an important complex task of public administration. Researchers, as a rule, emphasize on various aspects of the regulatory influence of the state – the development of the information sphere, the social component of public administration, control over the distribution of information flows, etc. According to the recognition of many Ukrainian, foreign scientists, researchers and practitioners, it is still difficult to speak about having a clear understanding of what is meant by information policy in general, what is its content, main directions, etc.
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