religious art, spiritual traditions, anti-religious propaganda, mystic stories and legends, religious miracles.Abstract
The objective of research The article researches the oral folk art of the religious nature of Podillya in the 1920s, the peculiarities of the religious movement, the Soviet authorities attitude to the spread of various stories, legends, translations of the spiritual and the moral contents on the territory of this region. From a scientific point of view, the originality of the article lays in the fact that it has managed to establish the character of religious stories and the methods of their dissemination in Podillya. There are two areas of the religious art: the information dissemination about the so-called «miracles» and family-stories, the similarities and the differences between them. In particular, the latter were hardly researched in the Ukrainian historiography. Methodology of research is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, systemism, social approach, as well as applying general scientific (description, explanation, analysis and synthesis) and specifically historical. Conclusions. The rise of religious activity was influenced by a number of factors, such as an anti-religious propaganda, deployed authorities, persecution of priests, monks, church people, the information dissemination about various miracles on the territory of Podillia and the whole Ukraine. Folk art became a kind of reaction to the complex spiritual and political processes of the 1920s, the opposition of the communist ideology establishment to a certain extent. The Podolians sought to preserve their spiritual and moral traditions, world outlook, the belief in God, the idea of justice, law and punishment. The author of the article also deals with the problems of the moral and the psychological relations of this period, the ways of stories distribution, their significance in family-domestic relations and for the preservation of the religious traditions on the Podilskyi region territory are indicated as well.
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