library, seminary, academy, funds, section (department), metropolitan, contributor catalogue.Abstract
The purpose of this study is with the help of the archive and scholarly sources to analyze and highlight key stages of development and foundation of the library of the Volyn Orthodox Theological Academy from the moment of its restoration in 1990 to the present days. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, consistency and scientificality. Comparativehistorical, problematic-chronological and structural-functional methods were used when writing the paper. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the study represents the first case in Ukrainian historiography when with the help of the archive sources and special publications the history of funding and compiling the library of the Volyn Orthodox Theological Academy has been highlighted in an integrated and chronological manner. Conclusions. In nearly thirty years of restoration of a theological establishment in Lutsk (at first – secondary school, seminary, and later on – academy), the task has been accomplished to compile a rich theological-historical library within the establishment itself. It is well-known that book as a notion has immense importance in the Christian tradition. As a matter of fact, the book has played the most important part in spreading the Christian gospel and for centuries it has been a primary means of preserving and transmitting cultural traditions. From the very beginning the special emphasis was placed on the library funds, for without a library, no scientific-theological education is possible.
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