flour-milling industry, province, empire, production, Dnieper Ukraine.Abstract
The purpose of the research is an attempt to study main factors that contributed to the development of the flour-milling industry. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of systemacity, reliability, historicism and consistency. General sciences (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special-historical (historical-genetic, historical-typological, historicalsystem) methods are used. Scientific novelty is determined by the author’s conception of the analysis of the problem, the purpose, tasks and the formulation of the research problem. A comprehensive approach to the history of the development of the flour-milling industry of the Dnieper Ukraine during the study period is due to the development of a historical problem, which until now has not been identified as a subject of special scientific research. Principal novelty of the work is also in search of mutual influences and connections of the past and present, objective and subjective. It allows to investigate more substantially the development of consumer goods manufacturing in modern Ukraine, to offer concrete scientific recommendations and suggestions to improve situation in the industry. Conclusions. Thus, the study of the experience of the operation of consumer goods manufacturing proposed ways to improve it in modern conditions by improving its quality, increasing the number, expanding the range of products by completing the consumer market, creating a branch of production of new professional equipment, as well as for services to the population. At the expense of a reduction of capital turnover in industries it is possible to create conditions for accelerating the development of the entire economy of the country. The task of consumer goods manufacturing is to create and place government orders and contracts and coordinate the activities of enterprises related to this task, as well as to develop targeted programs for the long-term development of new types of raw materials, balanced development of sub-sectors.
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