the Czechs, school, education, the Soviet government, educational process.Abstract
Objective of research- it is disclosedthe status of school education in the Czech environment of the Soviet Ukraine (1920–1930s). Scientific noveltylies in the fact that it was firstly in the Ukrainian historiography analyzed the attitude of Ukrainian Czechs towards education, described the process of establishment of the Czech schools network, considered the peculiarities of the organizing, economic and staffing support of the educational process at schools for the Czech nationality pupils, studied the alignment of the Czech schoolboy pranks by the Soviet government. Methodology of research. Scientific principles of the historicism, consistency, objectivity have becomethe weighty component part of the theoretical and methodological background of this research. It is necessary to single out the critically analysis and synthesis approach, the induction and deduction approach as the applied general scientific approaches of research.Such specific historical approachesas problematic-chronological, historical-systematic had been using during development of this problem. Conclusion. Having sufficient level of the sense of national identity and traditional propensity to master literacy, for the interwar period the Czech population of the Soviet Ukraine had to recover the national school network which activity was stopped because of the teaching employees drift abroad within the period of the First World War and the revolutionary hard times. The Soviet government took on direction of this process. The Soviet government struggled anyway to promote engagement of the Czech speaking teachers for working in the Czech schools and to make all attempts for their finance support improvement in spite of events directed to the ideologization of the school education. There were opened many new Czech schools in Ukraine thanks to effort of the numerous enthusiasts but these schools however had been staying in financial hardshipfor the rest of their existence in «ethnical» status right up to 1930s-era.
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