Roman Catholic Church, Lviv region, Roman Catholic clergy, church-state relations, anti-religious campaign.Abstract
The aim of the study is the comprehensive coverage and analysis of the confessional life of the Roman Catholic Church on the territory of the Lviv region during the period of the antireligious campaign (1958–1964). The methodology of the research is based on the fundamental principles of scientific knowledge: historicism, systemicity and objectivity. Methods of research are related to the purpose, object, subject and research tasks of the study. The scientific novelty is that the influence of the anti-religious campaign of Soviet power on the confessional life of the RCC, in particular the reduction of its network in the territory of the Lviv region in 1958–1964, has been investigated on the basis of the development of special literature, the attraction and comprehensive analysis of archival sources in the publication. Conclusions. Thus, during 1958–1964, the Soviet authorities implemented a course aimed at the gradual reduction and complete elimination of the RCC on the territory of the USSR as a whole and in Lviv region in particular. Given that the RCC legally acted on the territory of the Soviet Union, the authorities could not openly apply repression in its fight against it. Consequently, in order to reduce the confessional network of the RCC, Soviet government officials sought the legitimate grounds for registering communities and priests and adhere, albeit formally, to Soviet legislation on religious cults. In this context, in order to weaken the influence of the RCC on the territory of the Lviv region, the authorities encouraged the gradual resettlement of Roman Catholics into Poland. The targeted pressure from the authorities on the Roman Catholic clergy and the believers resulted in a significant reduction of the confessional network of the RCC in Lviv region during the researched period.
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