Ukrainian SSR, industrialization, chemical industry, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.Abstract
The aim of the study is to highlight the peculiarities of the Soviet power economic policy during the industrialization period (large-scale industrial construction and improvement of the economic structure) of the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR on the example of Lviv and Ivano- Frankivsk regions, its successes and miscalculations; to dismiss the N. Davis’s statement on the production of «the simplest chemicals» by the republic chemical industry. Methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, systematic, science, author’s objectivity, as well as the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special-historical (historicaltypological, historical-system) methods. The scientific novelty is that it is for the first time in Ukrainian historiography the industrialization process of the western region of Ukraine and the creation of a modern chemical industry are described based on the analysis of previously unknown archival documents and materials. Within a short period of time, the industrial giants of the energy, chemical, machine-building, mining and other industries of the economy were built up in the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR by the administrative methods (total control and great terror). During a short period of time, the chemical industry of the Ukrainian SSR western region was created. World experience has shown that the development level of polyethylene, dyes, synthetic resins and fibers production is the main indicator of the chemical industry progressiveness. These productions were crucial for the western region of the republic. The traditional oil and gas industry gave a way to a new one – chemical industry. Conclusions The economic complex of the western region of Ukraine gained the general defining features of the Soviet planned economy and differed radically from the «colony» in the 1970s. Fast implementation into the production processes of electric power provided rapid development of chemical, machine building, instrument making industry, metalworking and other industries and agriculture. However, in the first place the productions, that served the military complex of the Ukrainian SSR have modernized.
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