Odessa Agricultural Society, public organization, Ukrainian provinces, Russian Empire, agriculture, modernization.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to study the activities of the Odessa Agricultural Society (1828–1919) and its impact on the modernization of the south of the Russian Empire. The scientist has used comparative, chronological, problem and analytical research methods. This public organization was the first of its type, based in Ukrainian provinces. This agrarian association was subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture. On the basis of archival materials, which are first introduced into scientific circulation, the author investigated the objective and subjective factors that influenced on the work of the Odessa Society of Agriculture. It had its unique features. They were manifested in the national composition of participants, the scale of activities, stable international relations and the special status of the «imperial» . The Odessa Society of Agriculture consisted of various departments and special committees (horticulture, viticulture, afforestation, in preparation for international exhibitions). Branches were opened in the region to improve the efficiency of the organization. The author indicates links with similar agrarian organizations of the Ukrainian provinces. The scientist has described and systematized the new materials on the activities of society after the liberal reforms of the 1860–1870s. They were reflected in the solution of a number of national problems. The objectives should include measures to maintain the grain trade, the regulation of the labor market, the marketing of products, the provision of affordable loans. Considerable attention is paid to the representative function of society. It consisted in the convening and participation of regional and all- Russian congresses of farmers, providing the government and the agricultural department with expert assessments on various issues of the agricultural sector, technical evaluation of innovations, including imported agricultural equipment. The article studies the issue of holding exhibitions at various levels. Members of the society supported the research that was conducted at the experimental station. For the first time attention to charity is paid as well. For example, the promotion of scholarships for students of University of Novorossiysk. The training of managers for the estates of the region by means of a public organization was conducted. The author of the work concluded that the participants of the Odessa Agricultural Society contributed to the modernization of the region.
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