Ternopil region, communist ideology, industry, private sector.Abstract
The article reveals the nature of the communist ideology that was expressed in the introduction of the Soviet way of life by means of Sovietization in the temporarily occupied territories of Western Ukraine during the period of September 1939 – June 1941, that is, on the eve of the German-Soviet collision. Thus, the transformational processes of the new Soviet government were under the strict control and direction of the party functionaries on the territory of the Ternopil Region, whose purpose was to include the territory of the region in the unified national economic complex of the USSR within the USSR. The population of the region was deprived of private property, the right to free choice of state activity, participation in political parties and public organizations, national-cultural and spiritual selfdetermination. Such actions by the Soviet authorities in the occupied territories the population met with caution, and eventually began to resist. Being prepared in advance of the provoked developments in the region, the Soviet authorities are introducing repression against the indigenous population, grossly violating democratic rights and human freedoms.
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