
  • Volodymyr Starzhets


education, students, educational process, ideology, Soviet power, the Western regions of the USSR.


The article shows the process of ideologization of educational work in higher educational institutions of Western Ukraine in the postwar period. The mechanisms of ideological pressure on the educational process at universities and institutes of the region are highlighted on the basis of archival documents and achievements of modern historical science. The basic measures and methods introduced by the Soviet authorities for formation of students in the materialistic and communist worldview were determined. The emphasis is placed on the activities of party structures in exercising control over the educational process, students, and teachers. The effect of the komsomol on the worldview and the personal life of student youth has been studied. It is substantiated that the Soviet authorities assigned an important role to the political and ideological factor in the training of future specialists. State and power structures were pursuing any form of dissent among students, and their carriers have been subjected to repression. The purpose of the paper is to follow the process of ideologizing the educational work of students of high school, carried out by the Soviet authorities, to explain its shortcomings on the basis of the analysis of archival documents and the verification of the works of Ukrainian researchers. During the period under study, the Soviet party structures constantly controlled the contingent of students and the work of high school. There was a humiliation of national culture and the establishment of a communist world outlook among the population.


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