
  • Viktor Lushchak


H. Wallace, the Cold War, American historiography, the USSR, revisionist history.


The article deals with American historiography dedicated to the activities and ideas of Henry Wallace. Wallace was, next to FDR, the pre-eminent figure of the 1940s, universally regarded as Roosevelt`s heir to the New Deal wing of the Democratic Party. It is important to emphasize that Wallace was ahead of his time on most issues, for instance: he was a strong advocate of labor unions, national health insurance, public works jobs and women`s equality. In spite of this, Henry Wallace’s idealistic notions about the postwar international relations, in particular, about cooperation with the USSR (results of anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda, which were spread in the USA after the Second World War) formed the negative perception of Wallace in the mass consciousness. It is stressed, that American studies of Wallace`s personality are colored through the Cold War prism (considering an obvious accent on the presence of Wallace’s sympathy for the USSR). In this context, taking into account the specifics of American historiography of the Cold War, the authors decided to divide researches that were written about Wallace by the chronological principle: orthodox school, revisionism, and post-revisionism. The article analyzes the contemporary discourse of a problem that concerns Wallace’s vision about US-Soviet relationship. As a result, authors have noted a positive trend, such as a revival of interest about the Henry Wallace’s personality and his political activity, through the partial destruction of the ideological stereotypes of the Cold War.


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