the nobility, the Sianotsky land, Volos Tirava, Tiravsky.Abstract
The article is about the history and genealogy of the Tyravsky noble family from the Sanok land in the 15th-16th centuries. The Tyravsky can be found on the pages of famous heraldic books of Bartosh Paprotsky and Shymon Okolsky, however, because of its local significance, nobody performed a separate historical and genealogical study of this genus. Origins of the genus reach the last quarter of the 14th – early 15th century, when the new rulers of Galicia conducted active deposition of this region with military people. Used by the representatives of the first generations of the genus nickname Cheshyky allows to assume the Czech origin of the genus. Mykolay Cheshyk was the founder of the genus, who set up relative lines of the Tyravsky, Grabovnytsky, Rytarovsky and Bukovsky. Then, in the chronological interval of the 15th -16th centuries, seven generations of the family entered the genus and the family relationship was reconstructed on the basis of the study of Sanok court books. During the investigation of that period, the Tyravsky were not distinguished with any special social activity, only few of them managed to get positions in local governments hierarchy. Nevertheless, representatives of the family often participated as assessors in Zemsky court, and in 1572 Feliks Tyravsky was discharged by the Sanok gentry for the meeting of the Vyshensky Seymyk. There was no noticeable increase of their property consisting of dozens of villages. Volos Tyrava town was heart of their estate, later on the lands owned by the family were founded Kuzmyn, Glozhuchkova, Kreminna. The Tyravsky did not get a pledge of royal estates (this was the property that the king gave to use as a loan for long period), or some longer deals (read as a lease) in the neighbor properties. On the contrary, the tangible property status of the family representatives was characterized by numerous pledges of their own estates. Nevertheless, the end of the 16th century, the Tyravsky became a large family, which numbered more than a dozen adult men with established proprietary and social status among the local gentry landowners. Marital partners of family members were representatives of other local gentry families, but there were marriages with people from the neighboring Krakow or Sandomierz Voivodeships. Genealogy and the history of the Tyravsky family are rather typical for families with similar property and social status of the middle gentry of the Sanok land. The model of the history of this kind characterizes the typical strategies for the development of property complexes, social and political activities, behavior in the marital market of settled gentry with a mediocre property and social status.
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