
  • Mykhailo Kharlamov


fire brigade, fire seminars, advanced training, training program, fire fighting disciplines, fire brigades.


The purpose of the study is to consider the main aspects of the work of one-decade fire educational seminars for the heads of rural fire brigades on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR in 1932–1934. The scientific research describes the general issues of the creation and operation of fire and technical seminars for rural firefighters of the Ukrainian republic. Also reviewed are low-researched issues of the content of educational programs of training seminars for firefighters of Ukrainian collective farms. In the beginning of 1932, having felt the humanitarian «fire» hunger in the field of agriculture, the All- Ukrainian Union of Agricultural Collectives (Ukrkholgosptsentr) offered Ukrainian collective farm unions to organize and conduct on the ground ten-day fire workshops for the brigades of village fire brigades. They were planned to hold a few, in different, firefighting, kolkhozes of the Ukrainian districts, in order to cover as many rural areas as possible by qualified firefighters. The district fire inspectors, who at the time of the seminars were dismissed from performing their main duties, were to become teachers. They were not paid salaries for teaching, but left the rate of the district inspector. In the absence of a fire district inspector or because of his inexperience, other experienced and authoritative district fire brigades could have been present at the seminars by teachers. The cost of conducting seminars was relied on collective farms that sent people to study, and in the district executive committees there was a man who was responsible for the organization and conduct of fire mini-courses. The article used the problem-chronological and historical-systematic methods of research, which allowed to objectively approach the analysis of the identified scientific issues. This scientific article is based on archival sources of the Central State Archives of Supreme Authorities and Governments.


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