Marian society, Marian Sodality, spiritual leader, member, activity, development.Abstract
The article deals with the formation and genesis of the Marian societies in Ukrainian lands in the Greek-Catholic obedience since the beginning of the 1600s till present days based on Pope Paul V’s breve at the request of the Greek-Catholic Metropolitan Joseph Velyamin Rutsky following the aim of deep devotion of believers to the Virgin and, in general, to religious life and practice in each parish. The author highlights the versatile activity of this church society which carried out all sorts of charitable actions, provided help to hospitals, orphanages, schools, organized retreats for believers, printed Educational religious literature and magazines, promoted sincere spirituality among youth, as well as mercy to the fellowmen and loyalty to the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church simultaneously declaring its own nationalism, patriotism thus promoting national spirit in Ukrainian society. Following the example of the Marian society and its various groups in Buchach under the spiritual and guiding command of the Fathers Vasilyin Buchatsky Monastery of OSBM, the article reveals the broad multivector activity of members of this Marian movement, its formation, rise and decay and the newest revival, which is a characteristic feature of this movement in the XVI-XXI cc. in Ukraine. In addition, the contemporary process of the revival and formation of the Marian society, which began in early 1990’s in the Greec- Catholic parishes in Ukraine, is researched. The author also dwells on the network, the number of centers and members of the Marian society in the Greek Catholic archdioceses, dioceses and exarchates both in Ukraine and worldwide as of 2015 from the statistical standpoint, which contributes to the complete vision of the development and state of Marian movement.
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Статистичні дані із статистичного опитування про стан душпастирського служіння в УГКЦ за 2015 р. в рамках стратегії: «Жива парафія – місце зустрічі з Живим Христом» / проведено робочою групою із впровадження стратегії «Жива парафія – місце зустрічі з Живим Христом», яка функціонує при Верховному Архиєпископі УГКЦ // Опрацювання Відділу статистики Патріаршої Курії УГКЦ.
Дані на підставі опитування, яке проводив у листопаді 2016 року о. Василь Брона, координатор Марійських дружин у Тернопільсько-Зборівській архиєпархії.