
  • Vitaliy Levytskyi


light industry, textile industry, export, market, raw materials, plant, faktory, commodity production.


The article highlights the industrial development of the light industry in the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkiv provinces in the second half of the XIX th – early XX-th century, it was shown the location of the enterprises of this branch. It was given the reference to the main publications devoted to this topic. The issue of the unresolved crisis phenomena in the light industry is a special interest in the society and among scientifics to the economic problems in the national economy. The processes that were in Ukraine in the past require profound analytical and synthesized assessments by historians today. The regional history was one of the actual topics not only from the scientific and cognitive point of view, but also in the context of identifying the historical roots of modern problems and ways of their solution. The formation and development of the light industry in the Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Poltava provinces had their own specificity in comparison with the Ukrainian tendencies. The study analyzed the sources of the supply of the raw materials for the left bank factories and plants. The attention was paid to the processes of capitalization of the light industry in the provinces and the economic policy of the Russian state towards it. It was determined the vectors of the factories technical development because of scientific achievements and the directions of the products sales of the enterprises on the external and internal markets. It was explored the role of the engineers, entrepreneurs and workers in the development of the light industry. The reasons for the decline and development of the industry are indicated, due to the increased demand for arable land and the production transfer outside the Left Bank Ukraine. The actions for the technical modernization of factories have created conditions for their significant role in the imperial light industry.


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