
  • Ivan Tymkiv


Ternopil region, industry, industrialization, raw material base, labor resources, ideology.


The article analyzes the economic transformations and their influence on the population of Ternopil region in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The role of political and ideological factors on the causes and peculiarities of the formation of the industrial sphere of the region has been characterized. The main directions and industries of the Ternopil region in the investigated period are determined. The methodological basis of the study are the principles of scientific knowledge: scientific, systematic, historical and pluralism. The article made using methods such as problem-chronological, comparative historical, systemic, structural, logical and analytical. The features of ideological activity in the 1950’s and 1960’s and a system of total control over the ideological views of the inhabitants of the region were investigated. The features of social and everyday adaptation of workers from rural areas in cities and their attitude to the authorities are shown. The economic processes that took place in Ternopil in the 1950’s and 1960’s were the result of the economic policy of the Soviet leadership. Construction of industrial enterprises in the cities of the region caused urban processes, the main source of which was the rural population of the region. The study leads to the conclusion that the main efforts in industry were aimed at building industrial giants. Their power was based on the old-fashioned raw material. The local raw material base was mainly used by small and medium enterprises. Economic growth and the emergence of new productions have led to an increase in the urban population, while the study suggests that such growth occurred at the expense of people from rural areas, as the latter left their homes in search of better living conditions.


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