reformation, historiography, Ukrainian village, scientific and technical progress, MTS (machine-tractor station).Abstract
In the article the basic aspects of historiographycal vision of times of reformation of problems of agricultural production and life of the Ukrainian peasantry are analysed taking into account the characteristic features of history writting of the marked period. The row of the moments related to the problems of improvement of material and technical base of agriculture and increase of rates of scientific and technical progress in the agrarian sector of economy is reflected also. A comparative analysis and search of intercommunications of historiography of times of reformation are conducted with the separate elements of «khrushchov thaw». It is outlined the row of factors, that straightly or mediated influenced on development of historiography researches in the sphere of life history writting of the Ukrainian village of times of reformation. It is established, that «reformation» brought in substantial adjustments in research of many aspects of life of the Ukrainian village. Although many characteristic features for conservative soviet historiography remained. It is concluded, that only in 1990 finally labours appeared where fundamentally new conclusions contained. An increase attention became the important tendency of soviet historiography of the «Gorbachev» period to the problem of material and human resources in the Ukrainian village 1953– 1964. Most researches were marked by strong criticism of events that, and really, often were halved or irrelevant. Indeed, quite often sharply criticizing activity of party of those times, remembering the moments of subjectivism in making decision (obviously sent to saying nothing of figure of Khrushchev), soviet researchers of times of «reformation», maybe, and did not notice, as remained in the waterway of the scientific discussion set exactly in the period of Khrushchev.
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