
  • Yuriy Pavlovych


Republic of Belarus, domestic policy, economy, socio-economic model, market economy.


The article analyzes the main points of socio-economic policy of the Republic of Belarus. After the independence of Belarus in 1991, as in other CIS states, liberal reforms began, which aimed to build a developed market economy based on a socially oriented model of economic development. It is important to emphasize the priority role of the socio-economic component in the formation of the Belarusian path of development. For Belarusians, the creation of a promising model of the national economy with its orientation towards the social sphere was the content of the national idea, the ideology of the Belarusian state. The creation of a socio-economic model with Belarusian specificity determined the priorities and strategic course of the state, while, of course, taking into account its national interests. The opinions of Ukrainian scholars and economists about the socio-economic processes (the complexity of the transition to a market economy) that took place in the Republic of Belarus in the period 1991–2004 are breaking. Also, the basis of the socio-economic model of the Republic of Belarus is presented and analyzed by Ukrainian historians, political scientists and economists, and the activity and influence of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the country’s economy is characterized. A considerable number of comparisons have been presented regarding the characteristics of the economic life of Belarus, from the point of view of Ukrainian and Belarusian scholars. The problems that Belarus has to date in the
financial and foreign exchange market have called into question the promise of its economic model.


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