Ukrainian state, K. Razumovsky, the Russian Empire, the Second Little Russian Collegium, P. Rumyantsev.Abstract
Strengthening of Russian influence on Ukrainian state in the XVIII c. led to transformation even its official name: from the «Cossack Army» towards the defined term by imperial authority - «Little Russia». The process of liquidation of Hetman state had been lasting for decades because of its scope and constant need of Russia in Cossack Army. The Elizabethan regime, primarily through the activities of Chancellor A. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, continued centralized policy which was introduced by Tsar Peter I, despite the recovery of Hetman government in Ukraine. In anticipation of its possible consequences, Hetman K. Razumovsky in early 60s attempted to strengthen the central and local governance by reforming the administrative system and the judiciary. He outlined the justification of his steps in the petition to the new Empress Catherine II under the title «The petition of Little Russian nobility and foremen, together with Hetman, about restoration of different ancient rights of Little Russia». The petition actually contained a proposal of legalization of interstate relations between Russia and Ukraine with the expansion of political autonomy of the latter. At the same time State Secretary of Catherine II, G. Teplov expressed his opposite views to the ideas in «The petition ...» in the so-called «The Notes of irregularities in Little Russia». In particular, it emphasized the association of «Little Russian people» to Russia from ancient times, the presence in Ukraine of its own legislation that contradicted with the imperial one, and the rights and privileges of Cossack foreman, free transition of the peasants and so on. The main articles of G. Teplov memorandum were used by the Empress in secret guidelines to the count P. Rumyantsev during his appointment as the President of the Second Little Russian Collegium and simultaneously the Governor-General. The logic of theoretical articles of above mentioned documents was the basis of this royal official in his activity of elimination of Ukrainian state in early new age.
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