light industry, export, market, raw materials, plant, technical progress.Abstract
The article highlights the industrial development of the enterprises of the light industry in the Ukrainian provinces in the second half of the XIX th – early XX-th century, it was shown the location of the enterprises of this branch. It was given the reference to the main publications devoted to this topic. It was analyzed the sources of the supply of the raw materials for the Ukrainian factories and plants. The attention was paid to the processes of capitalization of the light industry in the region. It was determined the vectors of the factories technical development because of scientific achievements and the directions of the products sales of the enterprises on the external and internal markets. It was explored the role of the engineers, entrepreneurs and workers in the development of the light industry. It was shown the process of transition from manufactory to factory production and the influence of industry on the economic development of the region. It was emphasized that in spite of the importance and urgency of the problem it isn’t revealed in the historical literature. During our study, it was found that the number of the textile and leather enterprises and workers were decreased, and also the volume of production was decreased, but not to the same extent as the first two indicators. It is obvious that there was a one-time process of the concentration and the mechanization of the production and the growth on this basis of labour productivity. Іt should be noted that a group of fibrous processing plants did not receive significant development in Ukraine. Ukraine’s demand for wool, cotton and other products was satisfied with the production of the enterprises located in other parts of the Russian Empire. Only in Klyntsi a powerful center of cloth industry was formed in Ukraine. Intensive processes of the development of the cloth industry were promoted to its concentration.
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