Podillya, NEP, lease, tenant, Leasing Commission.Abstract
The present article researches the introduction of lease in Podillya region in 1921–28. The archive materials suggest that the principle reason why the Soviet authorities resorted to the lease was inability of the bilshovyk’s state to reestablish an effective management of the economy and to rebuild it after the war. As a fact, when adopting the decision on introduction of lease on 4 July 1921, the First Podillya provinces Congress insisted on the need to be driven by the economic expediency and profit. By mid- October 1921, cooperatives, handicraft gilds, enterprises, private individuals, military units, and state political management institutions rented 83.58 % of registered enterprises. The article clarifies the specific characteristics of leasing in the leading branches of Podillya economy – sugar and milling industries. It also reveals that lease contracts were not always transparent and serving the community needs. When choosing tenants, the authorities preferred state enterprises to private entrepreneurs. The article emphasizes that the dilapidation of many enterprises, general hardship situation in the province, unbearable taxes and high renting fees were impeding the lease. It was established, that as of 1926, the authorities shifted from harassing the tenants, who were perceived as class enemies, to their targeted crowding out of the market. This was achieved by raising the renting fees and taxes and by direct provocations. Economic considerations were not taken into account. As a result, by the end of 1928 there were practically no tenants in Podillya.
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Держархів Хмельницької обл. Ф. Р-337. Оп. 1. Спр. 508-А.