«Ushitel’ska gromada», Galicia, teacher, school, education.Abstract
The activity of the «Ushitel’ska gromada» society in the 1920’s was analyzed, attention to the organizational development of the teaching organization and its relations with the Polish central and local authorities was paid. It was noted that the defeat of Ukrainians in state-building competitions (1918–1919) overestimated their hopes for the formation of a Ukrainian school and led to the harassment of nationally-conscious teachers by the Polish authorities, which had a negative effect on the activities of the «Ushitel’ska gromada» in the early post-war years, that were almost the most difficult since time the company was founded. It is noted that after the end of the Polish-Ukrainian War (1918 – 1919) and the decision of the Council of the Ambassadors on joining the Eastern Galicia to the Polish state (1923), the organizational development of the partnership took place under the conditions of the Polish regime. In the 1920’s, central and local authorities hampered the development of the «Ushitel’ska gromada», in particular, refused to register its charter, through repression and intimidation of Ukrainian teachers tried to exert pressure on the governing bodies of the organization and local branches. It was stated that in the conditions of polonization of the system of primary and secondary education in the 1920’s, unfortunately, many of the decisions of the Main Department of the «Ushitel’ska gromada» and the resolutions of the general meeting of the society remained unfulfilled, given the lack of sufficient funding and indifference of Ukrainian teachers who did not enter teacher organization. However, in spite of numerous problems, the company managed to resume the activities of its local affiliates, established relations with Ukrainian national-cultural societies, took the first steps to strengthen cooperation with professional organizations of the Second Rzecz Pospolita and Central and Eastern Europe.
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