railway industry, professional personnel, qualification, «schools of advanced experience», lecture courses.Abstract
The article is about the training and quality assurance of professional staff for the railways of the Ukrainian SSR during the 1960s, their level of education and the process of adaptation in the production environment. The processes of formation of the training system for rail transport were carried out in complex contradictory social and economic conditions. An extensive training network was created that combines traditional specialist educational institutions (technical schools, technical schools and universities) and technical training at railway departments (individual training, advanced school, masters’ schools, courses). Powerful and especially popular was the system of correspondence education. The indicated positive tendencies manifested primarily in raising the educational level of transport workers, especially locomotive service and a noticeable increase in the share of engineering and technical workers. Ensuring rail transport was largely managed by the personnel of mass professions, while there was a sharp shortage of engineers and technicians. Their duties were mostly practiced. This was also influenced by the lack of proper incentives for young professionals, the unresolved housing issue and the general lack of prospects for continued work in the field of rail transport. Under the influence of the introduction of technical reconstruction, the structure of training was changed, new profiles and specialties were allocated, new educational institutions were created, and, consequently, their number increased.
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Вертель В. В. Розвиток залізничної професійно-технічної освіти в Україні. URL:
Центральний державний архів громадських організацій України (далі – ЦДАГО України). Ф. 1. Оп. 77. Спр. 711. Арк. 85–87.
ЦДАГО України. Ф. 1. Оп. 77. Спр. 762. Арк. 31–50.
Там само. Спр. 725. Арк. 87–102.
Там само. Спр. 719. Арк. 73–89.
Там само. Спр. 714. Арк. 39–56.
Там само. Ф. 4924. Оп. 19. Спр. 102. Арк. 3.
Там само. Ф. 1. Оп. 77. Спр. 704. Арк. 3, 125–126, 168.
Там само. Ф. 5193. Оп. 1. Спр. 421. Арк. 2–6, 12.
Там само. Ф. 4924. Оп. 19. Спр. 99. Арк. 1–4.
Там само. Ф. 1. Оп. 77. Спр. 664. Арк. 56–57.
Там само. Спр. 715. Арк. 7–27, 62–78.
Там само. Спр. 732. Арк. 2, 48–49.
Там само. Спр. 720. Арк. 51–57.
Там само. Ф. 4924. Оп. 19. Спр. 247. Арк. 1.
Там само. Ф. 1. Оп. 77. Спр. 672. Арк. 15–51.
Там само. Спр. 695. Арк. 35–69.