
  • Oksana Spirkina


Cherkasy region,writer, journalist, revival, independence.


The article is devoted to the problem of perceiving national independence by Ukrainians in the first decade of the state independence of Ukraine. Formation of national revival of the Ukrainian people was shown in this scientific research on lives and creative work of writers, poets, dramatists and journalists of Cherkasy region as an example. The goal of the article is to show that the creativity of writers has a direct influence on strengthening national identity, forming national revival and perceiving national independence by Ukrainians. The author of the scientific work puts the task to show how lives and creative work of Cherkasy writers and journalists promote perceiving national independence uppermost among the residents of Cherkasy region in the first decade of the state independence of Ukraine. Economic and creative issues of the writers and journalists of Cherkasy region are paid attention to. The activity of prominent state and private writers’ organizations which existed in Cherkasy region in 1990–2001 was analyzed by the author. Special attention is paid to the activity of Cherkasy Branch of National Union of Writers of Ukraine headed by Nosan, L. Taranenko and G. Bilous. It is underlined an important role of the magazine «Holodny Yar» (Cold Ravine) for the publication of short stories and novels especially by young unknown Ukrainian writers in the Ukrainian language. It was researched that the themes of Cherkasy writers’ novels, dramas, poems and so on were about love to their native land, Ukrainian traditions and customs. They tried to return the truth about historical events which took place on the territory of Ukraine and, of course, about Ukrainian patriots and heroes. On the basis of the appliance of the general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, description, explanation) the goal was achieved and planned tasks were realized.


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