new era, national mentality, social and cultural imperatives, informational war, Ukrainian national memory.Abstract
The article deals with the problems of Ukrainian national mentality development in modern social and political conditions. The state of modern scientific development of the issue of collective mentality (the mentality) of Ukrainian society by modern Ukrainian historians is described in general. The importance of historical memory as the main factor of collective mentality formation is highlighted. The importance of traditional Ukrainian mentality in today’s informational war as the basis for the formation a sense of the Citizen and the Patriot by the younger generation is shown. Special attention is paid to the inseparable relationship between the historical memory and collective mentality. The author proves that the current informational war is gaining increasing importance because the aspect of informational war is the struggle for historical memory that actually turns into the «war for history.» Defending the right to preserve historical memory is considered to be defending the right to preserve the national identity.
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