
  • Petro Kotliarov


Philipp Melanchthon, school relugations, Herzberg, education, religion studies.


The article deals with issues in the reform of education in Germany at the age of the Reformation. We examined correlation between religious and humanistic component in the Philipp Melanchthon’s school plans. Based on the school regulations of Herzberg (1538) and suggestions on the school plan for Adrian Helmitsky (1554) the main reasons for extension or reducing of the religious component were analysed. When comparing these documents with the early ones one can notice a huge difference in approach to religion studies. In the school regulations of Herzberg religion studies had become an important and essential component of education in whole. One can distinguish an extension of religious component also in the plan for Adrian Helmitsky. However, it was not a sign of Melanchthon’s break with the Humanism. In his practice, Melanchthon combined religio (religious studies) with erudition (knowledge) – humanistic studies and ancient languages. The obligatory school program of Herzberg included such authors as Vergil, Terence, Cicero, Donatus and Esopus. In addition, Melanchthon also suggests that teachers and students speak Latin as much as possible. In their turn, the recommendations in the school plan for Adrian Helmitsky to read the Bible in several ancient languages alongside humanistic studies reveal means of receiving knowledge (eruditio). Therfore, even in his late years Melanchthon had not become only a reformer, but had combined his religious views with humanistic approach to sciences.


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