Ukrainian diaspora, Croatian-Serbian war, exiles, displaced persons, ethnic cleansingn.Abstract
The article is devoted to the features of situation of Ruthenian-Ukrainian Diaspora of Croatia during the 1990s. The conditions of living of the Ruthenian-Ukrainian diaspora in Croatia during the Croatian-Serbian war in the 1990s are described. Military actions covered the territory inhabited by 80% of the Ruthenians and Ukrainians. The reasons of the Ukrainian’s migration to the area not covered by the war and directions of this migration are highlighted. The Ukrainians and Ruthenians participated in the defense of Croatian independence and territorial integrity, so the government of Serbian Krajina deported them on pretext of their cooperation with the Croatian authorities. The reasons of relocation of the Ukrainians on a territory not covered by the war are highlighted and the ways of their migration are shown. The nuances of terminology used in relation to displaced persons during the Croatian-Serbian war, the legitimacy of the use of the concepts of «refugees», «exiles», «internally displaced persons», «temporarily displaced persons» are marked. The scale of resettlement is characterized and the share of Ukrainian’s exiles in Croatian’s general context is shown. Croatian government policy, activity of diaspora’s organizations and efforts of Ukraine’s authorities to internally displaced persons are analyzed. A threat to the Ukrainian Diaspora in connection with the forced migration during the war is considered. The stages and features the returns of the Croatian Ukrainians to pre-war land of residence are considered. The controversial activity of international organizations and peacekeeping forces during this process is shown. Challenges faced by immigrants during the reintegration are characterized. Croatian legislation on reintegration is analyzed and its inconsistency and imperfection in relation to the return of property and compensation for property loss of returnees related to the war are shown. The war and the consequent mass migration among the Ruthenians and Ukrainians negatively influenced on the development of this diaspora in Croatia.
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