
  • Yuriy Zayonchkovskiy
  • Olexander Osipov


hoard, Novgorod grivna, poltina, tamga, dang.


Paper analyzes small hoard found in Sums’kyi Raion in Sumy Oblast in the Central Ukraine some time ago. The hoard consists of 26 Jochid silver dangs and poltina (half) of Novgorod grivna. The treasure was hidden in the second part of 1360-th. Poltina is of the type of «short» Novgorod ingots with a high back, its weight is 95.63 grams. According to M.P. Sotnikova technique of its manufacture appeared in the second half of XIV century. Published bar of silver has graffiti on its hacked side. There are two possible interpretations of the symbol reproduced there. The first – it is the letter of the Cyrillic alphabet («Ч»), written in the manner of the XIV century (taking into account the specifics of applying the sign on the surface of the poltina). Second – this is the owner’s sign, which is a Tatar tamga. The authors succeeded in finding in the scientific literature a similar tamga, originating from Eastern Mongolia. Thus, the analyzed scratched symbol can be either a Slavic letter or a Mongolian tamga. Based on the graphic similarity, authors tend to consider the second of the named versions more probable. In modern scientific publications, the point of view prevails that grivnas were used only by representatives of the upper strata of society for large-scale financial transactions. The published complex can be considered as evidence that the poltinas, at least, contrary to the prevailing viewpoint, could take part in daily monetary circulation in XIV century. Truly this assumption is or not – will show new findings and new research.


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