craniology, cranioscopy, archaeology, Peresopnyntsia, Lithuanian-Polish period.Abstract
In the article, the skulls of two women have been analyzes buried in the Lithuanian-Polish age and found in the village of Peresopnytsya, Rivne district, Rivne region at the land area of citizen M. V Fedoryshyn during excavations in 2012. It has been discovered that the skull from the burial 1 belongs to a 25–35 years old woman and characterized by a distinct brahicrany skull. Ear height is moderate. The forehead is convex, well bulging. The face is of moderate width, low, weakly profiled on the top and well on the middle level. By general face index it is wide (euriprozopiya). Upper face index is moderate (mesen) on the edge of the small sizes. Orbits are moderate by the index (mezoconhy). By nasal index the relative width of the nose is moderate (mezoriny). The bridge of nose is low according to the symotical index and high by the decrial one. The angle of nose protrusion is large. The skull from the burial 2 belongs to a 22-30 years old woman and is characterized by brahicrany and moderately high skull. The width of the frontal bone in the frontal plane is small, the nape is moderately bulging and it’s sharp. The width of the face is large. Upper face index falls into the category of eurien. General face index indicates the broad face – euriprozopiya. Nasomalar angle indicates weakly profiled face on the upper level and strongly on the middle one. The orbits are of moderate height after the index (mezoconhy). The relative width of the nose by the nasal index is average (mezoriny). Symotical index is low, so the bridge is low. Decrial pointer is moderate. The angle of the nose protrusion is small to the line of face profile. Considering the angles of horizontal profiling of the face, brahicrany shape of the skull and low nose it can be said that in general, by the craniological features, women skulls belong to the mixed Caucasoid and Mongoloid race (mestizos). According to the craniometry and ethnic cranioscopy data there is some similarity between the buried. Identical are the followings: the nasal and front-cross pointer, the height of the forehead bending, the width of the skull base, zygomaxillary angle, absence of above orbital holes both on the right and left orbits. Similar are cranial pointer, upper face index, symotical and orbital indexes etc.
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