everyday life, private life, family, (Polish) gentry, Kyiv province, XIX century.Abstract
The article justifies the urgency of studying the privacy of the Polish gentry which contains deeprooted values and standards that regulate the social relations between members of society. The author studies the influence of sociopolitical and cultural phenomena in the transformation of traditional bases of the Institute of the gentry family on the territory of Kyiv Province in the XIX century. Being under the influence of internal and external factors the family suffers from significant transformations in the XIX century though being one of the major social institutions. The gentry which created a distinctive culture of its own ideals, strategies and determined gender roles faces the need to adopt and crystallization of a new system of relations in family life: in marriage, parenting, welfare arrangements and others. It was found out that as a result of transformation processes the father authority in a family undergoes gradual changes making it less absolute but still respectful; the Russian legislation begins to regulate the relationship between husband and wife and the parent-child relationship more and more which promotes the expansion of women’s freedom and weakening children’s dependence. The author points out that the reduction of the dependence of children on their parents had little effect on changes in their up-bringing which was still conducted the way it was in the XVIII century. On the other hand, emancipation of women, changes in the traditional system of family hierarchy, French fashion on emancipation, following the behaviour of the imperial court lead to the loss of the sanctity of marriage and its functions and appearance of fashion on adultery which becomes a massive mental disease at the beginning of the XIX century.
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