


he English language, verb, emergence, language system, structure, text, function.


The article deals with the theoretical framework for the development of a systemic model of the English verb based on the modern principles of systems analysis and functional grammar. The definition of the language system as a structural and functional unity opens up new prospects for the study of linguistic units, in particular verbs, in the context of their functioning. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to integrate structural and functional aspects in the study of language, which provides a deeper understanding of the meaning potential and its realization. The modern interpretation of the system in science is presented. The general scientific systematic approach is extrapolated to the understanding of the language system. The concept of the language system is analyzed, starting with the classical structuralism of Ferdinand de Saussure to the modern concepts of functional and cognitive linguistics (M.A.K. Halliday, R. Langacker, etc.). The necessity of taking into account such systemic principles as the interrelation of elements, complexity, multidimensionality, hierarchicality, and dynamism is substantiated. Different approaches to the analysis of the verb are considered, in particular through the prism of cognitive linguistics and construction grammar. The importance of the integration of contextual factors into a systematic approach to language is emphasized, which allows constructing a comprehensive model of the verb, reflecting its functioning. The model includes the analysis of lexical-semantic, grammatical, pragmatic, and discourse characteristics of the verb. The principle of emergence, which defines new properties of a system that arise from the interaction of its elements with one another and with the environment, is highlighted. The proposed holistic approach to the English verb enables the development of a methodology for modeling the mental portrait of the English verb as a dynamic construct fixed in time and space, which reflects the potential of the English verb meaning and determines the mechanisms of its realization and actualization. Since the theoretical framework for the model is based on the modern interpretation of the language system, which is consistent with the interpretation of the system in information theory, the results of the proposed verb modeling will have practical implications for language information processing systems.


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