Oral narrative, plot, pace of narrative, scene, pause, summary, ellipsis.Abstract
The article examines the features of plot construction in an oral autobiographical narrative. It is noted that the temporal and spatial organization of the story plays an important role in the construction of narrative. There are concepts such as “epic perspective” and “epic distance”. In the studied narratives, the epic distance varies significantly, because for some respondents the most vivid memory is the story of their relatives about the events of the Second World War, for others – the first visit to Germany. It was revealed that stories with homodiegetic narration (the narrator is a direct witness of events) – are mostly about modern Germany, while heterodiegetic narration (the narrator isn’t a direct witness of events) – about the events of the Second World War. It was investigated that most of the stories about the distant past are memorates, but most of the texts about modern Germany – cronicates. This is due to the features of prose texts formation within the national narrative tradition. It is noted that one of the important characteristics of an oral autobiographical narrative is the pace of story, which is implemented with scenes, pauses, summaries and ellipses. In the oral autobiographical narrative, the scene is the type of storytelling when the past is recounted in the most detail. With the help of scenes, the narrator conveys images, dialogues and emotions to the audience. It can include a description of the environment, characters’ actions, dialogues and other details that engage the imagination of the audience and help them to better visualize what was happening. The pause means stopping the story to describe the subject detailed, the narrator’s reflection on certain phenomena, etc. Thus, pauses can be narrative, descriptive and meditative. Narrative pauses can be used to create intrigue, plot development, emphasizing important points, or transitioning to a new episode in the story. They help to manage the pace of story and allow you to better perceive and understand history. The summary as opposed to the scene provides a short presentation of events. Respondents try to briefly, summarizing, recount events in order to swiftly transition to the important scene within the framework of story. The last type of storytelling tempo is an ellipsis, which is characterized by the creation of the dynamic effect and increased tension in the story.
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